Our teams are researching these several productions that we believe will appeal to new and old fans of ancient civilizations, as demonstrated by the popularity today of video games, books and movies around the world. In fact, we will create a database of consumers into the millions that will allow us to properly market our products in the future, including feature films, whereby fans can purchase tickets in advance.

Before The Egyptians
(65 Part Series)
New tantalising scientific discoveries suggest ancestors of modern Egyptians built neither the famous pyramids nor ancient temples along the Nile, but long-forgotten survivors of a massive global catastrophe, whose ancestors ushered in what is now known as the ‘list of suddenlies’ in our human record during an era called the Neolithic or New Stone Age.
The dynastic pharaohs worshipped Thoth, who was their god of wisdom. He was the oldest among a pantheon of gods. He apparently collected all knowledge that was lost and had it transcribed, which was eventually delivered to the ancient city of Heliopolis – City of the Sun – by Hathor, another god, who deposited the documents in the Hall of Records.
Many years later, it was written, Khufu demanded to be told the contents of the hall and summoned a magi from Heliopolis, and subsequently the first of the Giza pyramids was built. However, it is disputed today that those ancient Egyptians actually built the pyramids, indeed that a far more ancient people built them over 12,000 years ago.

The Golden Age Of Pirates:
Corsairs, Buccaneers & Privateers
(3 hour-long episodes)
This program investigates the worldwide phenomenon of seafaring Pirates and the many areas they discovered and charted, the towns they began and the mysteries of their still sought-after treasure. The “golden age” of swashbuckling Pirates ran from about 1650 to 1800 and plundered in virtually every sea on the planet. A Pirate in-character will host each show, which will also be tied to various modern “Pirate Festivals” and historical ports around the world today.
In the first episode we’ll explore the ruthless Corsairs of the Barbary Coast that sailed from North Africa throughout the Mediterranean, attacking and enslaving many Christian ships and towns along the way, as well as their bloodthirsty and celebrated cousins, the legendary Buccaneers, who both pillaged and settled across the Atlantic in the Caribbean Islands, while also looking at war-time Privateers – legal Pirates with Letters Of Marque from their monarch commanding them to “destroy and pillage all enemies of the Crown” – roving from the East Coast of Canada to the South Seas of the Pacific.
Did you know? Buccaneer is a term that was used in the later 17th century in the Caribbean Islands. The term Buccaneer comes from the French word “Boucanier”. These Boucaniers originally were hunters who were poaching cattle and pigs. They would smoke the meat on wooden frames, “boucans”, so that it could be saved for a later time. The Boucaniers were taught this by the local Arawak tribes from Santo Domingo, calling the method Barbicoa – which is where the word and method of Barbecue originated!
Pirates of the South Seas, sailing the oceans from Madagascar to India and Australia, mixed many cultures into their way of life, whereas China’s Pirates were a breed unto themselves, both fierce and resourceful, including many female captains, sailing the uniquely designed “Junk”. In this episode we’ll explore the vessels themselves: the various tall ships that carried these raiders around the globe and the advances made in seagoing technology that they developed.
Finally, in the third episode, we’ll examine the glorious Pirates many weapons, from cannons to cutlasses, as a fight on the high seas was always a unique event, as were their armaments. We’ll also take a look at “Home Sweet Home” and their culture on land, and visit the many places that Pirates landed to relax, and refresh supplies and manpower, that have become some of today’s popular tourist spots and major cities; from Port Royal in Jamaica to Macau in the South China Sea. We’ll wrap up by examining their buried treasure – the gold and jewels that were taken and the many places they are allegedly hidden – and the vaunted Pirates’ code that kept them secret.

Ocean Jumpers (3 Part Mini-Series)
Flint points found in Texas that are similar to those found in southern Europe, exciting scientists, and suggesting a link between the Clovis and Solutrean cultures. These days there are native American languages that still contain foreign words, whether Punic, Greek or Hebrew. The “wind-talker” Dene languages share something in common with those of the fiercely independent Basques and Chechens today.
Long after the Carthagians and hundreds of years before the Vikings – or the legendary trips of either Prince Madog or Prince Henry Sinclair – researchers believe globe-trotting Celts and inspired and roaming priests, such as St Brendan, successfully crossed the Atlantic in small boats made of leather and landed on American shores – discovering “paradise” in the process. Harvard’s Dr Barry Fell spent a lifetime deciphering mysterious inscriptions carved into rock faces.
The Pacific was crossed many thousands of years ago. Certainly people needed to cross a deep ocean trench in order to populate Australia over 40,000 years ago! Thor Heyerdahl found several levels of masonry under the Easter Island temples and statues, as well as famously proving the ocean could be crossed on a raft, a technology he suggested might have been developed by the ancient inhabitants of South America.

Kennewick Man Meets Ice Man
(One Hour Special)
Controversial 9,000-year old skeletal remains that were accidentally discovered in 1996, originally thought to be the bones of a long-lost American Pioneer and eventually tagged as enigmatic “Kennewick Man”, an ancient traveler who had suffered many injuries in his abbreviated life, share something in common with those frozen body of “Ice Man”, found high in Alpine glacial ice several years ago: both bravely traveled great distances and both were survivors, due likely to medical treatment.
Ice Man is only 5,200 years old however. He carried a leather back-carriage with bows and arrows, along with an axe and a repair kit with pieces of rope, bone, rock, and string. The axe had a shaft of yew and a blade of copper.
Upon close examination, university researchers have discovered that Ice Man had several “tattoos”, marks made by cutting into the skin, filling the incisions with herbs and burning the herbs, thereby cauterising the incisions. The tattoos formed an ancient acupuncture chart used long before the therapy was developed in the Far East. The body has 15 groups of simple tattoos upon the back and legs which tallied with those used in modern acupuncture. In fact fully 80% of the points correspond to those used in acupuncture today.

Stone Age Star Charts
(One Hour Special)
So-called “cavemen”, unique peoples living throughout the recent Ice and Stone Ages and most recently in the Neolithic period (from 15,000 to 5,000 years ago), were much more intelligent than the club-wielding thugs we commonly perceive them to be, as our children are taught in school. They wisely watched the skies and plotted the movements of stars over time, and built many stone henges to not only calculate vast distances and the coming seasons but to also observe potentially life-threatening comets and asteroids.
A European researcher has interpreted carvings in a 32,500-year-old ivory tablet – from that of a mammoth – as a pattern of the same stars that we see in the Orion constellation.
The famed Bull paintings found on cave walls in Lascauz, France, dated to 17,000 years ago, depict stars and constellations that are visible along the elliptic accurately arranged, whereas in Spain’s Altamira Cave the evidence suggests the artists were much more ambitious and organized their paintings to represent the entire visible night sky. These people kept their calendars accurate by watching the full moon until finally one midnight it hit a pre-designated spot, and there’s no mistaking this day, it was the summer solstice.

Abraham Was A Brahmin, Moses Was A Pharaoh, Jesus Was A Yogi
(2 Hour Special)
Examining new theories concerning several early leaders and explores truths surrounding their legendary “biblical” status, global travels and esteemed place in history today. A recent archaeological find in Kuwait unearthed a gold-plated statue of the Hindu deity Ganesha, and historical research material today helps explain the connection between ancient Hindu civilization and Arabia.
Abraham is recognized by scholars as the patriarch of the Hebrews, but came from much further East, and is highly touted in the Koran as Ibrahim; the name of his wife, however, Sarah, provides another clue: in Indian Sarasvati (sa-raswa-tee) refers to a “wife of Brahma”. He was from Ur, a city in ancient Sumer.
In the story of Abraham, at his birth a star moved from the East and stood over the place of his birth. Zarathustra, Buddha, Noah and Moses were all born with an aura. This set the precedent for Jesus. When the magi arrived “according to the prophecy of Zarathustra,” they brought gold, frankincense and myrrh (symbolising earthly kingship, spiritual kingship, and early death).

Black America (3 Part Mini-Series)
In 1491, blacks owned about one million square miles of land in the Louisiana Territories and the South Eastern region of Florida as well as in California. Before Columbus, across all these lands, there were African-American nations. Their people were targeted for enslavement due to the Papal Edict giving the Christian nations of Europe the right to make slaves of all descendants of Ham found in these newly “discovered” lands.
The belief that the African-Olmecs were a Pan-Nubian/West African Saharan civilization is believed by many in Africa and elsewhere today. Olmec helmets are very similar to those worn by the Nubians and West Africans of ancient times. Both are made of a combination of leather and metal.
When the Sahara began to dry out, after the Ice Age began to melt rapidly, the people of West Africa, migrated across the ocean – these are quite possibly the people who built the mysterious round balls of Mexico and the giant “Olmec” heads. The people represented in the faces of these heads may have led a great dynasty of Black Kings who ruled for more than two thousand years in Mexico. Their culture and traditions became part of the native cultures that followed, including the Maya and Aztecs.

Gold Bracelets & Modern Dinosaurs
(One Hour Special)
Evidence of civilized man who might have existed millions of years ago, in the form of gold bracelets, were uncovered underneath the mountains of Western United States following the Gold Rush of the late 19th century, and in Africa today rumours still persist – notwithstanding sharks and crocodiles – that descendants of dinosaurs exist and live free.
Our hosts will explore the many examples in modern museums of strange animals painted and carved by ancient people around the world depicting gryphons, dragons and various long-necked beasts, including those that lurk in cold Scottish lakes. But deep in the jungles of Gabon, the locals there can still point out a picture of a Diplodocus without any prior knowledge of dinosaurs, or the benefit of Jurassic Park.
A gold chain cannot be made with stone tools. Furthermore, when a gold chain was found nestled in a piece of American coal in 1891, it suggested the item in question was 260 million years old! There has since been a gold thread found in rock, and an iron nail embedded in sandstone 380 million years ago. To make matters most interesting for historians, fossilised bones too have been found in coal by miners.

The Jade Trade
(One Hour Special)
Study the enigma of pan-ocean trade long before the arrival of “modern” sailing Europeans a few hundred years ago. Olmec jade, dating from approximately 1150 BC, found in Mexico and depicting an Olmec scribe, is very similar to the scribes of the Nile, Mesopotamia, India and West Africa. However, long before Columbus and the Spaniards arrived, the Mayans’ jade came from its Chinese trading partners.
The first complex culture in Mesoamerica may have come into existence with the help of a group of Chinese who fled across the seas as refugees at the end of the Shang dynasty, it is a theory being examined by researchers in America today. The Olmec civilization arose around 1200 BC, which coincides with the time when King Wu of Zhou attacked and defeated King Zhou, the last Shang ruler, bringing his dynasty to a close.
Furthermore, this is evidence in the form of the written word. Over the past three years, some 150 glyphs on photographs of and real specimens of Olmec pottery, jade artifacts and sculptures. As well as himself leafing through dictionaries of ancient Chinese, he has also taken his drawings of these markings to be examined by mainland Chinese experts in ancient writing, and most have agreed that they closely resemble the characters used in Chinese oracle bone writings and bronze inscriptions.

Mayan Time & Jain Ages
(One Hour Special)
Ancient priests held control over kings – apparent through their mastery of astronomy and mathematics. From India to Mexico, there is no doubt that past civilizations were involved in incredibly complex space calculations, mathematics and architectural endeavors. The Mayans had a sophisticated calendar, losing only one day in 6000 years.
Hindu and Mayan elders recently shared their belief systems in a conference held in 2005. The premise of the conference was that the Vedic and Mayan civilizations were in close communication in the ancient past. Throughout history, both Vedic and Mayan traditions faced declines due to internal failures and external onslaughts by other later civilizations. Both cultures were challenged in the survival of traditions and propagation of their ancestral wisdom for generations. The conference started with a Mayan yagna (fire worship). The similarity between the Hindu purification rite and the procedures and ingredients of the Mayan yagna astounded everyone.
New information pushes back the date of Mayan writing to some time between 300 to 200 B.C, around the time the Mauryan empire was in the full bloom in India.

Pyramids Around The World
(One Hour Special)
Great circles are straight lines that go all the way around the center of the earth. Easter Island, Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Paratoari, Tassili n’Ajjer and Giza are all aligned on a single great circle. Additional ancient sites that are located within one tenth of one degree of this great circle include Petra; Persepolis; Khajuraho; Pyay, Sukothai and Anatom Island.
Near Ollantaytambo, Machupicchu and Cuzco are within one quarter of a degree. The Oracle at Siwa in the western Egyptian desert is within one quarter of a degree. In the Indus Valley, Mohenjo Daro and Ganweriwala are within one quarter of a degree. The ancient Sumerian city of Ur and Angkor temples in Cambodia and Thailand are within one degree of the great circle. The Angkor temple at Preah Vihear is within one quarter of a degree.
This circle crosses over the source and the mouth of the Amazon, the dividing line between upper and lower Egypt, the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Indus River and the Bay of Bengal near the mouth of the Ganges. The circle also crosses over a number of areas of the world that are largely unexplored, including the Sahara Desert, the Brazilian Rainforest, the highlands of New Guinea, and underwater areas of the North Atlantic Ocean, the South Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea.